Trail Blazers
Monday –Thursday 8:15am to 3:15pm
This full day Out Door program is designed for older preschool/pre-k/k student who can easily separate from his/her parent or caregiver and is able tomanage his/her own toileting needs.
Our program takes place almost entirely outdoors, is place-based and child prompted! The entire campus including gardens, woods, barnyard, and fields is our classroom providing opportunities that connect our students to the earth, their peers and their instructors. We will use the inside classroom only when absolutely necessary.
Each student will carry his/her own backpack with personal supplies – food, water, hat, mittens or gloves and journaling materials.
We will journal, read, write, sing, tell stories, study, compare, count, build and create. We will have opportunities to share our creations with our companion learners.
You may register your child for a M/W full day program a T/TH full day program, a Friday full day program or a combination of full day programs.
For more information, email Kelly at caec@verizon.net.
To enroll in programs, please follow the link below and email or mail the completed enrollment form to Kelly Rich at caec@verizon.net.

Thank you for your support!